Abanicos pre-fabricados: 3D o 6D? Tallo clásico o puntiagudo?

Pre-made fans: 3D or 6D? Classic or pointed stem?

3D or 6D? Short, long, pointed stem?

Well, it's not that simple. In the photo we can see some 3D eyelashes of 0.10 and a pre-made fan of 6D 0.07. The question is not only which one weighs less, but also which one adapts better to the natural eyelash?

Due to the amount of hair, we can think that 3D would be better. But if you look at the photo, our already made #premade 6D fans have a tiny tip, almost the same as a classic eyelash! And although they are 6D and the other fan is only 3D, the 6D tip is finer.

What's more, due to the total weight, the 3D fans weigh more than 6D of 0.07 😲😲

And the width of the tip? Isn't the pre-made fan too thick?

The 6D fans from Lash Shop Canarias are in the POINTED style and the 3D fans are in the long stem style. They are both of very good quality, however, the 6D #pointed tip is finer! And there is another, super important difference. Pointed style fans are not glued on the tape with the point. If you look, it's in the
'outdoors' 🥰


So, who are pre-made #fans for?

  • beginners 🍀
  • professionals who do not have time to assemble Russian Volume by hand 🌝
  • everyone who likes to work with beautiful and high-quality #volume 🏃‍♂️🧎🏼‍♂️👯‍♀️👩🏾‍🎤

The pointed fans from Lash Shop Canarias are

  • super soft
  • light
  • with a sharp tip
  • And BONUS: with a tip that has NO glue whatsoever!

Video Volume Russian 6D



What does it mean that the tip doesn't have glue? 🧐 Well that. The tip is not glued together with glue, but with a thermal process. 🤷🏼‍♀️And it's not stuck on the sticky tape, but in the open air. This means, there is no chance of getting any leftover ribbon on the tip of your fan! 💃

With some types of pre-made fans, we run the risk of leaving some of the glue that is holding the fan itself on the tape. That makes a fuss when it comes to gluing the fans to the natural eyelash. Large lumps or drops of glue form on the spot, which harms your extension work!

With pre-made fans from Lash Shop Canarias, you will never run this risk!

Happy work ❤️

Vesna M Pelikan

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